Matches on military ranges (JBER) are not 100% confirmed until events are created on this page, even then they can be rescheduled or cancelled on short notice if military units need the range. BRSP Match signup is done through their club automation system. Signup for most other events is done through PayPal tickets or RSVP in event details on this page, usually active at least 2 weeks before match start and closes the day before match. Here is a recent PDF of the 2024 schedule. 2025 should be similar and will be posted likely in late March when we firm up JBER dates: ARC 2024 Schedule
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CMP As-Issued Military Rifle Match
Matanuska Valley Sportsmans 2450 Glenn Hwy, Palmer, AK, United StatesThis is a FUN (non-CMP sanctioned) 30 round Military Rifle Match at the Matanuska Valley Sportsmans’ Range. The club has reduced the match fee to $10 for each match on May 30. All competitors still must pay the daily MVS range fee ($10 or punch card for MVS members, or $20 for non MVS members). MVS memberships …
Highpower Rifle 100yd reduced match
Matanuska Valley Sportsmans 2450 Glenn Hwy, Palmer, AK, United StatesThis is a FUN (non-NRA sanctioned) 50 round Highpower rifle match at the Matanuska Valley Sportsmans’ Range. The club has reduced the match fee to $10 for each match on May 30. All competitors still must pay the daily MVS range fee ($10 or punch card for MVS members, or $20 for non MVS members). MVS memberships …
BPTR Bang and Clang
There will be a Bang & Clang on Sunday, 7 June, starting at 9:00AM.There will be no food provided for Covid 19 reasons, bring your own.It is highly suggested you wear a mask and social distancing is a must. Non-members of BRSP can participate in the match, but must sign in at the club house. …
Fun Mid-Range Prone/F-Class 600yd 20 rounds
This is an Fun (no Awards or NRA scores reported) 20 round match at the JBER Pedneau Range, shooting 1 string of 20 rounds plus sighting shots at 600 yards. $15 for Annual ARC members, $20 for one-day members. Junior and first time shooters are free, but must be ARC members or pay the $5 …
BRTR, Rimfire Silhouette
There will be a rimfire 22 LR NRA and BPCR silhouette match, Saturday, 13 June at B range Birchwood Range and Shooting Park. .22LR Long Range Silhouette Shot in the morning the day of Rimfire Silhouette matches. Any .22 LR can be used, in standing position to shoot at targets from 50 to 200 …
Annual Solstice 600 yard Match
This is an the annual Fun Solstice match (no Awards or NRA scores reported) 20 round match at the JBER Pedneau Range, shooting 1 string of 20 rounds plus sighting shots at 600 yards. $15 for Annual ARC members, $20 for one-day members. Junior and first time shooters are free, but must be ARC members …
Schuetzen Match
There will be a schuetzen match at B range BRSP, starting at 0900 hrs Friday 26 Jun.There will be no food provided for Covid 19 reasons, bring your own. It is highly suggested you wear a mask and social distancing is a must. To gain access if you are not an EPM, call 301-5516. For more information …
Highpower Rifle 100yd Reduced Fun Match
Matanuska Valley Sportsmans 2450 Glenn Hwy, Palmer, AK, United StatesUPDATE match full. No more registrations allowed. This is a FUN (non-NRA sanctioned) 50 round Highpower rifle match at the Matanuska Valley Sportsmans’ Range. The club has reduced the match fee to $10 for this match. All competitors still must pay the daily MVS range fee ($10 or punch card for MVS members, or $20 for …
NRA Mid-Range Prone/F-Class 600 yd 40 round match
7/6/20 5:45pm update - registration closed This will be an NRA Approved 40 round match at the JBER Pedneau Range, shooting 2 string of 20 rounds plus sighting shots at 600 yards. $20 for Annual ARC members, $25 for one-day members. Junior and first time shooters are free, but must be ARC members or pay …
Highpower Rifle 100yd Reduced NRA Match
Matanuska Valley Sportsmans 2450 Glenn Hwy, Palmer, AK, United StatesThis is an NRA Approved 50 round Highpower rifle match at the Matanuska Valley Sportsmans’ Range. The match fee $15 for this match, which includes fees club pays to NRA. All competitors still must pay the daily MVS range fee ($10 or punch card for MVS members, or $20 for non MVS members). MVS memberships …
BPTR Bang and Clang
There will be a Bang & Clang on Sunday, 12 July, starting at 9:00AM.There will be no food provided for Covid 19 reasons, bring your own.It is highly suggested you wear a mask and social distancing is a must. Non-members of BRSP can participate in the match, but must sign in at the club house. …
BRTR, Rimfire Silhouette
There will be a rimfire 22 LR NRA and BPCR silhouette match, Sunday, 19 July at B range Birchwood Range and Shooting Park. .22LR Long Range Silhouette Shot in the morning the day of Rimfire Silhouette matches. Any .22 LR can be used, in standing position to shoot at targets from 50 to 200 …
15th Annual Craig Parker Vintage Rifle Match
It is time for our annual FUN match. This match is for those old military rifles that you have or your "Safe Queens". You know, the guns in the back of the gun safe that you never shoot. So come out and have fun. This is a (non-CMP sanctioned) 40 round plus 3 sighters Vintage …
Schuetzen Match
There will be a schuetzen match at B range BRSP, starting at 0900 hrs Friday 24 July.There will be no food provided for Covid 19 reasons, bring your own. It is highly suggested you wear a mask and social distancing is a must. To gain access if you are not an EPM, call 301-5516. For more information …
Fun Mid-Range Prone/F-Class 600yd 20 rounds
This is a Fun match (no Awards or NRA scores reported) at the JBER Pedneau Range, shooting 1 string of 20 rounds plus unlimited sighting shots in 22 minutes at 600 yards. $15 for Annual ARC members, $20 for one-day members. Junior and first time shooters are free, but must be ARC members or pay …
NRA Mid-Range Prone/F-Class 60 round match
This will be an NRA Approved 60 round match at the JBER Pedneau Range, shooting 1 string of 20 rounds plus 2 sighting shots at each of the following distances: 300, 500 and 600 yards. $20 for Annual ARC members, $25 for one-day members. Junior and first time shooters are free, but must be ARC …
BPTR Bang and Clang
There will be a Bang & Clang on Sunday, 2 August, starting at 9:00AM.There will be no food provided for Covid 19 reasons, bring your own.It is highly suggested you wear a mask and social distancing is a must. Non-members of BRSP can participate in the match, but must sign in at the club house. …
Highpower Rifle 100yd Reduced NRA Match
Matanuska Valley Sportsmans 2450 Glenn Hwy, Palmer, AK, United StatesThis is an NRA Approved 50 round Highpower rifle match at the Matanuska Valley Sportsmans’ Range. The match fee $15 for this match, which includes fees club pays to NRA. All competitors still must pay the daily MVS range fee ($10 or punch card for MVS members, or $20 for non MVS members). MVS memberships …
2020 Long Range Tournaments
This will a 2 day match, the first being an NRA Approved 60 round Long Range match at the Ft. Greely (Delta Junction) Colorado South range, shooting 1 string of 20 rounds plus unlimited sighting shots at each of the following distances: 800, 900 and 1000 yards. The second day is a Fun match at …
NRA Mid-Range Prone/F-Class 600 yd 20 round match
This will be an NRA Approved 20 round match at the JBER Pedneau Range, shooting 1 string of 20 rounds plus sighting shots at 600 yards. $20 for Annual ARC members, $25 for one-day members. Junior and first time shooters are free, but must be ARC members or pay the $5 one-day membership fee. Online …
Fun Mid-Range Prone/F-Class 600yd 20 rounds
This is a Fun match (no Awards or NRA scores reported) at the JBER Pedneau Range, shooting 1 string of 20 rounds plus unlimited sighting shots in 22 minutes at 600 yards. $15 for Annual ARC members, $20 for one-day members. Junior and first time shooters are free, but must be ARC members or pay …
BPTR Bang and Clang
There will be a Bang & Clang on Saturday, 3 October, starting at 9:00AM.There will be no food provided for Covid 19 reasons, bring your own.It is highly suggested you wear a mask and social distancing is a must. Non-members of BRSP can participate in the match, but must sign in at the club house. …
BPTR Bang and Clang & Turkey Shoot
There will be a Bang & Clang on Sunday, 1 November, starting at 10:00AM. Come early to help setup. There will be a Turkey Shoot after the match.There will be no food provided for Covid 19 reasons, bring your own.It is highly suggested you wear a mask and social distancing is a must. Non-members of …
CANCELLED – BPTR Bang and Clang & Turkey Shoot
Due to the new COVID plan for Anchorage there will not be a Bang and Clang in Dec 2020.Merry Christmas to everyone. Hopefully 2021 will be better.Take care and be well.Somerset There will be a Bang & Clang on Sunday, 6 December, starting at 10:00AM. Come early to help setup. There will be a Turkey …
2021 Annual Club Meeting
The annual meeting of The Alaska Rifle Club will begin promptly at 18:30, Friday, February 5, 2021 using a conference call. This is PLAN B. Plan A was to hold the Annual Meeting at PizzaMan like in the past but due to Corona Virus restrictions Plan A won’t work. Annual Meeting Documents are posted to …