.22 Long Rifle matches are some of the fastest growing and most popular events Alaska Rifle Club Sponsors. The main categories of matches are Precision Rifle Series Rimfire (PRS22), .22LR Long Range Silhouette Benchrest, .22LR Long Gong 300m challenge, and CMP Rimfire Sporter Rifle. High level summary of each event is listed below. Check our Schedule and Match Signup page for more details and links to register using Birchwood’s club automation system.
Precision Rifle Series Rimfire (PRS22) Leagues and Clinics
PRS22 is typically run as a league with matches every other Wednesday. This fun, action packed event has multiple targets on each stage, at varying distances of 15 to 200 yards. Seasoned PRS competitors often use additional equipment such as bags, wind meters, bipods, and other gear. If you don’t have any of those things, please do not be intimidated. Our competitors are very friendly and someone is always willing to share gear. This is a great opportunity to try gear to find out what you may want to purchase.
Bolt action rifles with scopes equipped with adjustable turrets are strongly recommended, but not required. Each match has multiple distances, so without adjustable scopes, you will have to “hold over” small targets. For this type of shooting, a First Focal Plane (FFP) scope is ideal. Recommend you “dope” your rifle prior to the first match (recording your elevation adjustments at various yardages) and bring at least 150 rounds per match. Only 22LR permitted (no .17HMR/WSM/22Mag/etc). If you do not know how to zero and adjust a scope, our Match Director will be willing to meet you at BRSP at an arranged time to help you get your drop and windage settings (dope – data on previous engagements), and show you how to use a ballistics calculator.
.22LR Long Range Silhouette Benchrest (up to 200m)
This is run as a Long Range Benchrest format with targets out to 200 meters. Course of fire changes each match to keep things interesting. Here’s a sample program: BRSP Long Range Silhouette Benchrest Match
.22LR Long Gong 300m challenge
BRSP and ARC are pleased to announce Long Gong is coming to Birchwood spring 2025. Long Gong is a 22LR rifle event shot 300 yards at a set of three gongs. Gong sizes are 8″, 6″, and 4″. Each size gong has a different point value, 1-3. Zero points for each miss. All shooting is done from a bench using bi-pods and/or bags for support. No one-piece rests will be allowed. Each round the shooter has 3 minutes to shoot 10 rounds starting on the 8″ gong. This time limit starts at the first shot. The only way to move to the 6″ is to achieve a hit on the 8″. Once the 8″ is hit, the shooter earns one point and may remain on the 8″ or attempt the 6″. If the shooter decides to attempt to shoot at the 6″ and hits, the shooter earns two points and may move to the 4″. If the shot is a miss, a zero for that shot is recorded on the scorecard and the shooter must move back to the 8″. Long Gong is not an NRA or CMP event and is shot only for bragging rights. Please look for upcoming information as we get closer to starting this exciting, challenging event. If you have questions, please contact David at david.ewings@brspclub.com. Here is an example Long Gong Course of Fire.
CMP Rimfire Sporter Rifle 25/50 yards
This is match is a fun format great for youth and adults. 60-rounds plus sighters 22 LR Rifle event with course of fire involving prone, sitting or kneeling at 50 yards and standing at 25 yards on CMP Rimfire Sporter targets. The idea is to use a basic off-the-shelf 22LR plinking, rabbit, squirrel type rifle with open sights or scope up to 6x with a trigger at least 3 pounds of pull weight. A sling of some kind is very helpful for prone and sitting to steady the rifle and score higher. If your rifle isn’t compliant with the rules, come anyway and you can shoot in an Unlimited Out of Competition category and scores won’t be submitted to CMP. CMP Achievement pins will be awarded for qualifying rifles that shoot cut scores.
For more information review the : CMP Guide to Rimfire Sporter Shooting.