Matches on military ranges (JBER) are not 100% confirmed until events are created on this page, even then they can be rescheduled or cancelled on short notice if military units need the range. BRSP Match signup is done through their club automation system. Signup for most other events is done through PayPal tickets or RSVP in event details on this page, usually active at least 2 weeks before match start and closes the day before match. Here is a recent PDF of the 2024 schedule. 2025 should be similar and will be posted likely in late March when we firm up JBER dates: ARC 2024 Schedule
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CANCELLED – Shotmarker setup and calibration
April 19, 2021 @ 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm AKDT
update 4/15/21 – I’m cancelling April 19. Still a lot of snow on the range and haven’t received Army permit yet. Instead we’ll do a setup and demo of the systems at the BRSP target rebuild party on Saturday for those attending that. At the 4/27 600 yard fun match we’ll take a little longer than normal setting up and orienting shooters to the new systems and we’ll calibrate at 600 yards during the first relay. Should all work out well
We’ll be meeting at JBER pedneau range Monday evening to setup the Shotmarker electronic target systems and calibrate them at 500 yards. This date is not yet confirmed with Range Control so it could get cancelled. This event is “invitation only” intended for shooters that have competed at Pedneau in the past and/or plan to shoot there actively this year. Goal is to get everyone up to speed on how to setup the Shotmarker electronics, use the application on the tablets, and calibrate the targets at 500 yards.
No charge for this other than you need to be an annual member. You can use the “ticket” below to pay up your membership using PayPal or RSVP if you are already a club member or plan to pay when you sign in at the event.
This match program will give you an idea of the event details except we’ll be at 500 yards and I won’t be recording anyone’s scores. Just shooting for fun and testing out the new systems.