Matches on military ranges (JBER) are not 100% confirmed until events are created on this page, even then they can be rescheduled or cancelled on short notice if military units need the range. BRSP Match signup is done through their club automation system. Signup for most other events is done through PayPal tickets or RSVP in event details on this page, usually active at least 2 weeks before match start and closes the day before match. Here is a recent PDF of the 2024 schedule. 2025 should be similar and will be posted likely in late March when we firm up JBER dates: ARC 2024 Schedule
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22LR Long Gong 300m Challenge
April 12 @ 11:00 am – 5:00 pm AKDT
Long Gong is a 22LR rifle event shot 300 yards at a set of three gongs. Gong sizes are 8″, 6″, and 4″. Each size gong has a different point value, 1-3. Zero points for each miss. All shooting is done from a bench using bi-pods and/or bags for support. No one-piece rests will be allowed. Each round the shooter has 3 minutes to shoot 10 rounds starting on the 8″ gong. This time limit starts at the first shot. The only way to move to the 6″ is to achieve a hit on the 8″. Once the 8″ is hit, the shooter earns one point and may remain on the 8″ or attempt the 6″. If the shooter decides to attempt to shoot at the 6″ and hits, the shooter earns two points and may move to the 4″. If the shot is a miss, a zero for that shot is recorded on the scorecard and the shooter must move back to the 8″. Long Gong is not an NRA or CMP event and is shot only for bragging rights. Please look for upcoming information as we get closer to starting this exciting, challenging event. If you have questions, please contact David at Here is an example Long Gong Course of Fire.
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